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Wooden Fruit by Colwin Way RPT

September 14, 2021
Wooden Fruit by Colwin Way RPT

I've been making and demonstrating the making of wooden fruit for the past 30 years and in the years find that they are one of my better selling products however its fact that only the attractive grains and colours sell ! 

This means I have to be very selective with the timber I use, Padauk, Zebrano, Bubinga etc are top on the list but also a new range of timber thats recently become available like Mango and Panga Panga have added to the interest when selling my pieces. 

A lot of people use wooden fruit as a way of collecting different timbers so anything unusual or new will always be popular. 

I Use WP Hardwood ltd for my fruit timbers for several reasons, convenience, I can choose a selection of different timbers or quantities of the same timbers no matter how large or small the order meaning I don't have to hold large stocks but the main reason is the quality, it comes in cut and waxed meaning I can process it immediately and conveniently into billets. 

First of cutting the corners off the entire 300mm length,these corners can be used for chopsticks, jewellery or bobbins.

Then cut into billets sized and ready to mounton th lathe and turn. 

With help from my son I have written and published my firstworkshop manual on fruit making in both physical copy and digital downloadavailable on my website and Etsy store

© wp hardwood ltd 2020
website design and build: rocket five design